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Is acupuncture safe?Yes! Acupuncture has been practiced for well over 2500 years, helping billions of people to heal and stay healthy. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved acupuncture needles for use by licensed practitioners in 1996. The FDA requires that acupuncturists follow strict safety guidelines and use only sterile, nontoxic needles that are labeled for single use only.
Does acupuncture hurt?Acupuncture treatments aren’t meant to hurt, but you may feel some sensations during your treatment. Understanding that experiences vary from person to person, acupuncture usually doesn’t cause discomfort or pain. In fact, acupuncture needles are so thin one can fit 10 – 20 of them into the hole of a hypodermic (injection) needle. The sensation of these fine needles penetrating the skin can be described as a tiny pinch, if one feels it at all. There are occasions where the pinch sensation might last for a few seconds. If that sensation does not pass after a few moments of allowing it to settle, the practitioner should be informed so that an adjustment to the needle can be made. Treatments should be comfortable. Some needle insertions can cause a muscle to twitch. This is often caused by a trigger point, which can elicit the sensation of a small muscle contraction. This reaction often results in the release of tight muscles. “Heavy,” “achy,” and, “warm,” are other words that have been used to describe the needling sensation.
How many treatments will I need?Each patient is different, however, typically the initial phase of the treatment plan is 4-10 visits. The number of treatments depends on how long the condition has been present and how quickly the patient responds to treatment. Generally speaking, if the condition is an acute condition, patients respond more quickly than if the condition has been chronic.
How does acupuncture work?Acupuncture balances the body's Qi. When the Qi is balanced and flowing freely, the body's natural self healing abilities are activated, enabling internal stability and harmony to occur. The body will flourish, and true health and well being can be achieved. The stresses of daily life affect the quality and flow of Qi. Different stresses affect meridians and organs in different ways, disrupting or blocking Qi flow. A blockage in the meridians will restrict the supply of Qi required to nourish and support the cells, tissues, muscles, organs, and glands. This blockage can manifest into various signs and symptoms. Over time, the body as a whole becomes weakened, and its self healing abilities compromised. Eventually it becomes susceptible to pain, disease, and ill health.
How does an acupuncturist assess a patient's condition?An acupuncturist uses multiple diagnostic skills to effectively evaluate the quality, quantity, and balance of Qi flowing within the body. Pulse diagnosis: Over 26 subtle variations in the quality of the pulse are felt at six different positions on each wrist. Listening: By asking pertinent questions, information is gathered about past medical history, present health, life style, and emotional state. Physical Exam: A person’s appearance, demeanor, and tone of voice, as well as the color, shape, and size of the tongue provide pertinent clues about internal health. Palpation of specific areas and acupuncture points can also reveal Qi imbalances.
Treatment methods?Acupuncture: Tiny, disposable, sterile one-use needles are placed gently into specific acupuncture points. It takes 20 acupuncture needles to equal the width of one hypodermic needle. Herbal Prescriptions: An all natural patent or customized herbal formula prescribed to treat the root of your symptoms, not just the symptoms themselves. Moxibustion: Moxa (Artemisia Vulgaris) is an herb used in conjunction with acupuncture treatments. Traditionally, the moxa is shaped into small cones and burned on specific acupuncture points. The radiant heat produced by the burning herb penetrates deeply into the body, where it helps to restore the body's natural balance and flow of Qi. Indirect moxibustion is performed by using moxa balm, moxa tincture, and an indirect heat source, such as a heat lamp. Heat Therapy: A TDP Heat Lamp is used on specific acupuncture points and/or muscles to help stimulate blood flow in the area exposed. This is effective in helping to relieve pain, muscle and joint stiffness, muscle spasms and sprains and strains.
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